November 15, 2022

2.0.1 bugfix released for iOS - Apple continues to bully developers, ignore science and law (let alone morals)

iOS users can now install and almost 2 weeks late bug fix around incorrect TXIDs (Transaction hashes). This was held up by what amounts to an inability of Apple to accept science, read correspondence with due diligence and understand their own regulations around account creation, account deletion and exemptions.

TonSafe will always refuse to break the law and to break our high standard of moral code not to mislead users with false claims. It is a simple matter, we cannot install an "Account Delete" button because to do so the way Apple is attempting to force us would be making misleading claims as blockchain accounts cannot be deleted.

This is not only morally reprehensible that Apple would want to deceive their users for whatever reason (virtue signaling, incompetence, or any other reason), and we are now sadly no longer shocked that Apple would want to do so, but it is morally reprehensible that Apple has succeeded to cow TonSafe competitors into a short term advantage by them agreeing to conspire to mislead their customers. TonSafe refuses to be bullied into wrongdoing toward our mutual users of iOS and TonSafe.

It is no longer sad to us that Apple is not at all the company that Steve Jobbs created, it is just blatantly obvious, from dealing with customer support, bug reports to Apple over Apple products, and iOS development. It is an actual fact that we have to accept and the only way to respond to it is to resist and not expect cooperation and respectful communications from Apple: to communicate again and again without listening to the other side and paying attention, but using what is called "confirmation bias" at best, is absolutely disrespectful and TonSafe is not alone with this problem with Apple.

You can read more about this history of this problem which is so simple at its heart, but has resulted now in months of circular communication, delayed app releases, and with TonSafe and our clients paying the price, which Apple eventually must compensate for.

Please update to the latest version of TonSafe.