December 18, 2022

✅ How to Safely Send TON

Sending a currency such as the universal TON currency from your non-custodial (that is, self-custodial) TonSafe TON Wallet, is the similar to sending from your banking app but with one big difference: if you send to the wrong place, you may never get back the money you sent by mistake. Or, if you forgot to include a tag (memo/message) when depositing to a Central Exchange, you will have a big headache and maybe a large expense to get them to credit your money to your account.

Simply put: once you send TON from your TON wallet, it is gone, to the destination where you sent it. This is why TonSafe takes great care to let you have a confirmation screen where you can check everything before finally confirming the transaction. And after that, also your fingerprint may be needed, to finalize the sending.

But it is still possible for you to make mistakes: although you checked everything, you did actually forget the message tag, required when sending to most centralized exchanges (CEX), or out of habit you sent to the wrong place, or, you pasted in the wrong address. So in this post we will tell you how to avoid such errors!

How to avoid such expensive errors

Although TonSafe does everything above mentioned, and more, to make your payments safe, there are some good habits that you should get into. Whenever you are sending any larger amount that you definitely do not want to go to the wrong place, these good habits will prove invaluable:

  1. First, send a test amount. If you have already sent to this address before, you will find it in your transaction history on the main screen. Tap to open the previous transaction, tap on "Send Again" and edit the amount to a small amount, say 0.1 or 1 TON. Or even if you are sending via a QR code scan, or copy and paste of a wallet address, or from your address book, especially if sending to someone that is not your friend or is an exchange, always do this, send a small amount first.
  2. Next, check that this amount has arrived into your account on the exchange, for example. If yes, then now you can tap on that previous transaction which will be at, or near the top of your transaction history, to open it up. Tap on "Send Again" and now edit the amount to the full amount that you want to send. You will see that if you included the tag in the previous transaction, it will automatically be included again here. See why this is such a good failsafe method?

Using a previous transaction makes things a lot easier and safer, but in any case, always check on the confirmation screen that everything is as you want. Even if you forgot the tag on the first occasion, or send to the wrong place out of some trick in your mind or having copied and pasted the wrong address, by using the above method of first sending a small amount, the most you'll lose is that small amount. Now you have a second chance not to make the same mistake.

There are other benefits of developing this habit: if the exchange is having a problem with their system, the small amount doesn't arrive, then you won't send the large amount!

Another tip: when sending to an exchange from your TonSafe, before you send, have a look at the exchange wallet:

Find a recent transaction to the exchange, or open it from your TonSafe Contact List. There you will see a View button. Tap it to open the account information of the exchange and take a look at their balance, and especially at the recent transactions: are they recent? Are there also outgoing transactions? If all you see are recent incoming transactions then that exchange may have problems with, or have suspended, outgoing transactions. In this case, you do not want to deposit with them! This situation happens more often than you think, and is another way to lose your TON. So always check first, and then do the earlier mentioned step of first sending a small amount, then the amount that you wish to send.