March 4, 2023

๐Œ• How to transfer your TonSafe Contacts to another phone?

A great feature of TonSafe for those making frequent TON payments is Contacts. Contacts is easily reached by tapping on the two heads icon just below the red Send button on the default TonSafe wallet screen.

Unlike other TON Wallets which have a basic contacts feature, TonSafe does NOT store your contacts and data on our servers: we value and safeguard your privacy!

By saving TON wallet addresses as contacts, you can lessen the chance of sending to the wrong place, since wallet addresses are generally a long string of characters, even though TonSafe has mitigated this by highlighting the last two characters.

Although your privacy is a big advantage of the way we have implemented Contacts, unlike with other privacy-invasive methods such as that used by other wallets such as Tonhub, if you want to access your wallet Contact addresses from another phone, you cannot โ€” of course, because everything is saved only locally on your device.

As so often, security/privacy and convenience are trade-offs. TonSafe however does not trade your security or privacy just to make things more comfortable or easy.

So, how can you transfer your TonSafe Contacts from one phone to another?

While we plan future improvements to our Address system, meanwhile you can export/import your Contacts with a little manual effort, one by one, as follows:

  1. On the phone you want to export the Contact from, open the Contact and then click on the View (eye) icon. In the new window, click on the small QR code symbol that shows after the address. This opens up the QR code of that address.
  2. On the phone you want to import the Contact to, open Contacts then tap on Add Contact at the top. Type the Name for the Contact, and then tap on the QR code symbol: this opens the scanner. Point your scanner (camera) at the other phone.

That's all there is to it: you can save that Contact then tap the View Contacts button to return to the list, and repeat for the next Contact that you want to export/import.

Everything is done locally through the air without any possibility of interception.