❗️Scam Alert
Be aware of wallet spam scams, here is all you need to know...
If you see a message in your TonSafe and it is marked SPAM do not follow any instructions in it, this is a trick to get you to go onto some website where they will try to trick you into entering your 24 secret words or spending money on a scam.
More information about the TonSafe SPAM filter: https://tonsafe.net/spam-filter
And here is more information about Wallet Spam: https://tonsafe.net/spam
And please never ever use a web wallet no matter how convenient it may seem.
Also: never ever enter your 24 secret words from your TonSafe wallet anywhere else, it could be a fake wallet or lack sufficient security features.
If you want to use different wallets, set them up with their own wallet addresses, don't re-use your 24 secret words to log into other wallets!