November 12, 2022

Join TonSafe Business

  • This information is for business owners or managers

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Steps to complete

1. Join TonSafe PRO

This costs 100 TON per year and gives you access to TonSafe Premium Support as well as any special marketing opportunities and packages.

Ask the independent TonSafe rep for assistance signing up, or you can do it yourself. You need Telegram app and then go here to join TonSafe PRO.

2. Purchase TON for resale to Customers

You will need this to top up your customers wallets so that they can spend in your business. We recommend purchasing in multiples of 100 TON and re-selling to customers with your 5% mark up service fee in multiples of 10 TON or more.

Ask the independent TonSafe rep for assistance in buying TON, or contact TonSafe Premium Support, or see for other D.I.Y. options.

3. Get your business listed at TonSafe

You can opt to keep your business details unlisted in the TonSafe Directory but you may want to at least have a non-public URL at TonSafe which you can share with customers for easy scanning of QR codes to install the TonSafe wallet, add your business to their phone contacts, and send payments to your business.

See an example page here.

You can also print out these QR codes with or without any online listing. Your options to choose from are:

  1. Public listing at a TonSafe URL and also in the public TonSafe Directory
  2. Listing at a TonSafe URL you can share but without TonSafe Directory listing
  3. No listing, locally printed QR codes only

Ask the independent TonSafe rep for assistance with this, or contact TonSafe Premium Support: specify which of the above options and provide information that you want published and/or provided in a QR code to add your business to customers phone contacts:

  • Business name (and type of business)
  • Optional: Contact phone, social media, website, email, address, location

4. Display QR Code(s) at your business

You need a QR code for customers to scan and install TonSafe and another QR code for customers to make payments to you, and optionally you can have QR codes for different products so that the price is also included when they scan.

You will receive these QR codes for printing (or provided to you by independent TonSafe rep) after completing the previous steps above.

Additional Recommendations

Depending on your business, we offer the following recommendations and ideas:

  • Laminate QR codes and place on wall, door, counter for customers to scan
  • Offer discounts (e.g. 10%) on purchases made with TonSafe
  • Offer top ups and buy-backs of TON at 5-10% markup


TonSafe Business Introduction

Page last updated: 2022-11-17